Enchanted Wise Women
Invoking the Magic of Midlife, Menopause & Beyond
Invoking the Magic of Midlife, Menopause & Beyond
For women 45+ who feel a soulful yearning for greater connection to spirit, self & others, who desire deep fulfillment, purpose and passion in this second act of life. If you feel this call of the Enchanted Wise Woman, I offer meditations, forest therapy, women’s circles, workshops and retreats both online and in person in Calgary, AB and Invermere BC.
Invite more presence, wonder and enchantment with these mini magic moment meditations
Join me for a live meditation class, women’s circle or workshop to help you transform the narrative on midlife and ageing as a woman. Offered both online and in person.
The sacred space and time you crave to dive deeply into your midlife metamorphosis.
Enchanted Wise Women was born out of my own experience passing through the menopausal portal of transformation. I hope to be of service, in my own small way, to the rising of the wise woman back into our society. I am a ravenously curious person, a dreamer, freedom seeker, sometimes rule breaker, nature devotee and overall lover of this magical life.
At the heart of my work with women are the beliefs that:
If you’d like to learn more about me you can click here to read to your heart’s content.
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